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Unraveling the Thomason Lineage: My Personal Journey with iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Thomason

Venturing into my ancestral lineage through the iGENEA DNA test, I unboxed the rich history of my surname, Thomason, tracing its origins back to the Viking era. Through their expansive database, I connected with distant Thomason relatives, unearthing familial anecdotes and histories.

S. Thomason

Taking the iGENEA DNA test truly felt like embarking on a deeply personal and surprisingly emotional journey through my genetic history. Initially, I knew nothing about my Thomason lineage beyond the past couple of generations. This test, however, offered a remarkable and previously unexplored insight, a glimpse into the rich tapestry of history that forms my genetic heritage.

To say I was taken aback by the volume of information derived from a simple cheek swab would be an understatement. The comprehensive results report provided by iGENEA put my ancestral past into vivid perspective. It laid out in simple terms the migration patterns of my forebears, indicating where and when they moved across the globe. It revealed that the Thomason lineage traces its roots back to the perilous times of the Vikings, something I found immensely intriguing. But perhaps, more fascinating was the revelation that the Thomasons were originally of Nordic origin, which was not something I could have guessed.

There were also detailed explanations of the genetic markers and how they related to global populations, which considerably widened my understanding of genetic genealogy. I was pleasantly surprised by the user-friendly interface of the iGENEA website, making the arduous process of deciphering complex genetic data relatively uncomplicated and enjoyable.

Further, the iGENEA test provided an opportunity to connect with other Thomasons in the DNA database. Discovering distant relatives, some as far away as the US and Australia, was a heartening experience, creating a sense of community that spanned continents and generations. Some of them had done considerable genealogical research and were able to provide additional family anecdotes and history, further enriching my knowledge about the Thomason legacy.

Despite the cost, I feel that the iGENEA DNA test is a worthy investment for anyone interested in exploring their family history. It has given me an unparalleled sense of connection to my ancestors and has infused my surname, Thomason, with a depth of significance and a sense of belonging I could never have imagined.

S. Thomason

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerViking DNAGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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